Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal with registerd number ISSN 2685-953X (Print) and ISSN 2686-0317 (online) focuses on the discussion of Management and Empowerment research. Method can using quantitative or qualitative research methods. This journal is a media to accommodate the result of field research and literature study of students, lecturers, or practitioners
This journal particularly focuses on the main problems in the
Management areas as a follow (published in June):- Islamic Institutional Management
- Dakwa Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Hajj and Umra Management
- Islamic Family Management
- Human Resource Management
- Empowerment of Economic Community
- Empowerment Strategies
- Increasing of Public Education
- Social Entrepreneurship
Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Table of Contents
mustaqim Mustaqim
This article has been read 962 times.
istiqomah istiqomah, Gina Novia Alestri
This article has been read 1184 times.
Literasi Zakat Untuk Pemberdayaan Muzzaki Melalui Platform Digital (Studi Kasus Di Lazismu Menteng, Jakarta Pusat)
DOI : 10.18326/imej.v4i2.%p
Vista Marchena Brilianty, Muhtadi Muhtadi
This article has been read 1308 times.
Widya Ayu Nirmala Sari, Aninda Putri Sarwandari, Katon Galih Setyawan
This article has been read 1404 times.
Sovia Mas Ayu, Asmara Dewi, Rita Sari
This article has been read 978 times.
Depict Pristine Adi
This article has been read 1375 times.
Lilis Wati
This article has been read 835 times.
rahmat hariyadi, Sri Rokhmiyati
This article has been read 1052 times.