Table of Contents
Suci Wulandari, Fetria Eka Yudiana
This article has been read 674 times.
Economic valuation of Kampung Rawa tourism development by CVM approach in Bejalen Village, Semarang Regency
DOI : 10.18326/ijier.v4i1.8376
Laily Nur Aini, Arfin Haryono, Dea Anas Stasya Insani
This article has been read 784 times.
Exploring determinant factors on Indonesian MSMEs financing in sharia banking
DOI : 10.18326/ijier.v4i1.6499
Angga Dwi Febrianto, Ibnu Soleh, Mochlasin Mochlasin
This article has been read 632 times.
Online buying and selling with Salam Contract in the consumption behavior of millennial youth
DOI : 10.18326/ijier.v4i1.6629
Fathimatuz Zahro, Mansur Chadi Mursid
This article has been read 747 times.
The role of good corporate governance in the relationship between investment and funding activities on the value of sharia shares
DOI : 10.18326/ijier.v4i1.7306
Alya Balqis Kharisma, Fany Indriyani
This article has been read 707 times.