The role of good corporate governance in the relationship between investment and funding activities on the value of sharia shares
This study aims to determine the effect of solid corporate Governance on investment and financing decisions based on the shariah stock return of the Jakarta Islamic Index between 2017 and 2020. This quantitative analysis uses secondary data, with the Jakarta Islamic Index-listed companies as the population. A systematic sampling method based on preset criteria was utilized to collect samples. From 2017 through 2020, ten companies included in the Jakarta Islamic Index make up the sample. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to assess the outcomes of this investigation. A Simple Regression Analysis (SRA) was conducted to determine the direct relationship between the variables. The investment choice variable influences business value positively and statistically significantly, which is inversely proportional to the funding decision variable, which influences business value positively but statistically insignificantly. In addition, the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) test suggests that GCG can moderate the relationship between investment and funding decisions and enterprise value.
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