Author Guidelines
- The manuscript is neatly written with Microsoft Word on A4 sized paper (one side), and each sheet is given a page number with a maximum number of pages 20. Space spaces 1.5 except abstracts and bibliography with spaced distance 1. The model used is Times New Roman with font 12 unless the title to be capitalized with font 14. If there is a verse or hadith (written in Arabic), then typed the letter Traditional Arabic , size 14 pts, file ( file ) created with Microsoft Word . File delivery can also be done as an e-mail attachment to the address:, each margin is 2.5 cm. Manuscripts submitted in soft copy and hard copy ;
- Manuscripts written in Indonesian contain abstracts in English, and vice versa with word counts of 150 to 200. Keywords shall be selept abstracts and bibliography with spaced distance 1. The model used is Times New Roman with font 12 unless the title to be capitalized with font 14. If there is a verse or hadith (written in Arabic), then typed the letter Traditional Arabic , size 14 pts, file ( file ) created with Microsoft Word . File delivery can also be done as an e-mail attachment to the address:, each margin is 2.5 cm. Manuscripts submitted in soft copy and hard copy ;
- Manuscriected to describe the contents of the text and at most 3 (three) keywords;
- The systematic articles of thought result include: (a) the title, (b) the author's name (without an academic degree), the name of the institution / institution, and email, (c) the abstract, (d) keyword, (e) introduction (background and support (f) main discussion, (g) conclusions and suggestions, (h) references / references (containing only designated sources).
- The systematic writing of the research results includes: (a) the title, (b) the name of the author (without an academic degree), the name of the institution / institution, and email, (c) the abstract, (d) the keyword, (e) introduction (background) (f) problems, (g) literature review, (h) research methods, (i) discussion (contains research findings and analysis) (j) conclusions, (k) bibliography (containing only designated resources).
The section title rating is expressed by a different typeface (all parts of headings and sub-sections are bold or bold and italic ), and do
not use numbers / numbers in the section title:
Rank 1 (Upper Small Letters, Thickness, Flattened Left Edges)
Rank 2 (Uppercase Small, Bold, Left Edge Left)
Rank 3 (Uppercase Small, Left Edge Left )
- Referral sources (final notes) are as much as possible libraries of the last 10 years. Preferred referrals are primary sources of research reports or articles (scientific papers) in journal and / or scientific magazines.
- Referrals and quotations use body note referral techniques with the author's name, year, and page. Example: (Subqi, 2016: 12)
The bibliography is structured in the following manner:
Book / Book:
Zuhaili, Al, Wahbah, Al-Fiqh al-Islamy. 1986. juz VII. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr.
Book of article:
Saukah, Ali, Waseso, M.G. 2002. Writing Articles for Scientific Journals. Malang: UM Press.
Articles in the book of articles:
Drogers, Andree. 2015. “Meaning, Power and The Sharing of Religious Experience”, dalam Jerald D. Gort, Michihan: Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Articles in journals and magazines:
Masyhuri, Imam Malik. 2016. "Abu Hasan al-Ash'ari and Kalamnya Thought". Contemplation. Vol. 2 no. 1. June 2016.
Articles in the newspaper:
Naim, Ngainun. 2004. "Pesantren dan Renewal". Duta Masyarakat. Publication on January 25, 2004.
Posts or news in newspaper (without author name):
Islam Rahmatan li al-'Alamin. Jawa Pos. Publication on December 21, 2016.
Translation book:
Lev, Daniel S. 1980. Islamic Judiciary in Indonesia. Translate by Zaini Ahmad Noeh. Jakarta: Intermasa.
Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation and Research Report:
Badruzzaman. 2015. Century, "Theology Thought Hassan Hanafi". Thesis not published. Jakarta: UIN Jakarta.
Seminar paper, workshop, upgrading:
Mujamil. 2016. "The Challenge of Pesantren of the Future". Paper. Presented in a national seminar organized by the Faculty of Da'wah IAIN Salatiga. On July 17, 2016.
Hitchcock, et al. 2016. “A Survey of STM Onlinr Journals, 1990-1995: The Calm before the Storm”. (Online)., diakses 12 Mei 2016.
The proof correction stage- Once proofs are ready, an e-mail will inform the authors and attache it in pdf format.
- Authors are asked to carefully check the proofs. They should keep in mind that the aim of proofreading is to correct errors that may have occurred during the production. Therefore they should particularly check completeness of text, equation breaks, figures, tables and references.
- Only essential corrections are accepted.
- The author has the final responsibility for the corrections.
- Corrections should be returned within 48 hours and can be sent back either as a detailed list by e-mail (quoting the amendments location with page, columns and line number). Please do not alter the PDF proof file, add annotations or send back an amended manuscript file.
- As soon as the proofs are returned, the paper will be corrected and posted for the on-line publication
- Ijip (Indonesian Journal of Islamic Psychology) is an open access journal. The authors should not pay some processing fees (Free Charges) for articles processing and DOI maintenance once their articles has been accepted. Readers can read and download
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- Authors will receive the PDF file (with no cover) of their article for free as soon as it is posted for the on-line publication.