Textbook Evaluation: A Case Study of Punjab, Pakistan

Muhammad Imtiaz Shahid, Hafiz Muhammad Qasim, Muhammad Javed Iqbal


The textbook is one of the most substantial elements of classroom learning. As a result, it is critical to conduct a textbook evaluation to improve the quality of the teaching and learning environment in the classroom. Keeping in mind the very importance of the textbook evaluation, the current study evaluated a 10th-grade English textbook published by Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board Lahore, Pakistan. The present study aimed to evaluate the book’s overall pedagogical worth according to teachers’ and students’ needs and demands. For this purpose, 10 teachers and 60 students were selected from different public and private schools. Two different questionnaires were prepared by Litz (2001) with slight variations. The teachers’ questionnaire version had 20 items, while the students’ version had 15 items. The statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS after the data had been collected. The study’s findings revealed that the textbook as a whole is well-designed and offers an array of useful extra materials. The book is also visually pleasing, well-organized, consistent, and orderly. Overall, the positive characteristics outnumbered the negative ones by a wide margin. Despite a few flaws in the book, such as the lack of a glossary and grammar, the results showed that the textbook was adequate for language learners. Overall, it was considered that, despite some flaws, the textbook fulfilled the needs of students and might be a practical book in the hands of competent teachers.

Keywords: textbook; evaluation; English language

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18326/rgt.v14i2.283-300


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