The Influence Of Listening Habits Of English Songs Toward Vocabulary Mastery

Zulianti Zulianti


 The objectives of the study are as follows: (1) to find out the intensity of the students‟ habit in listening English songs, (2) to find out the students‟ mastery of English vocabulary, (3) to find out the influences of listening habit of English songs towards vocabulary mastery. This is a descriptive qualitative study. The subjects of study were the third year students of MAN I Temanggung. The result of the research are as follow: (1) the majority of the students‟ listening habits of English songs is good enough that falls on the scores of 68-83, (2) the majority of the students‟ vocabulary mastery is fair that falls on the scores of 65-79, (3) there is a positive influence of listening habits of English songs toward vocabulary mastery.

 Key Words: Listening habit; English songs; Vocabulary mastery.

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