Implementation of Counseling Services on Platform in Overcoming Mental Health Problems

Hasan Bastomi, Diana Fitriani, Maulida Rizqiyyatul Chusna, Safitra Salwa, Muhammad Sholeh


This research aimed to reveal the implementation of the counseling service on platform in overcoming mental health problems. This field research used a qualitative approach with interviews, observation, and documentation techniques in collecting the data. The results showed that the main background of was utilizing technology to ease anything, including counseling services. The implementation of the counseling service in dealing with mental health problems was as follows: (1) Establishing a relationship with the counselees using friendly greetings, (2) Reflecting on the counselees' empathy and appreciating their courage to share their story/problems, and then finding the solutions, (3) Providing self-help psychoeducation to train their ability in solving daily problems and developing their character.


Confidential service;; mental health

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