Kekuasaan dalam Tafsir Nusantara dan Relevansinya terhadap Persoalan Kebangsaan (Kajian terhadap Ayat-ayat Khalifah dalam Tafsir an-Nūr, al-Azhār dan al-mishbāh)

Nur Mubasirun


Various problems of nationality since Indonesian Independence proclaimed on August 17th, 1945 until today continue to emerge. One of them is the national disintegration that threaten the existence of Pancasila, UUD 1945 and The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) agreed by a large part of the nation. National disintegration problems actually come from groups of Muslim themselves. The behavior of Muslims cannot be separated from the influence of fatwa, the direction of the scholars, teachers, and clerics who become their role model. And the scholars, teachers, and clerics cannot be separated from the influence of what they read. Among their reading materials is in the form of Qur’an interpretation. Among the books of interpretation which has considerable influence is an-Nur interpretation by Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy, al-Azhar interpretation by Hamka and al-Mishbāh by Quraish Shihab which of course in those third interpretations contains political verses of interpretation. Khalifah verses which are closely related to political issues are chosen as the material in the study of this article. There are nine verses containing the word of khalifah, two verses in the singular (Khalifah) and seven verses in the plural (khulafā’ / khalāif). From this study, it is concluded that the khalifah which has meaning of authority is only one verse in Surah Shād [38]; 26. Who is actually khalifah? How does the authority gain? And how is the authority managed? Those questions will find answers in this article.


Authority Interpretation; Relevance; National Problems

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